Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(67) is, at a time different from that previ- (20) rifactata - Ājivikå doșa ously determined upon in the mind.
- Obtaining food by describing one's (8) argit ala - Prāduskāra dosa
own high lineage, meritoroccupations; -Carrying the utensils containing food
( 21 ) arutus cia - Van i pakadosafrom one place to another, washing the pots and pans or lighting a lamp on the
Obtaining food by means of speech
agreeable to the giver; arrival of the saint.
( 22 ) (9) catarre ata - Kritatara dosa -
Chalu - Vaidyaka doşa - By
discoursing of medicine; Offering food that has been purchased.
( 23 ) se ata - Krodha dosa - (By ( 10 ) my eT UT CTE - Pramrsya
means of anger or angry threats); orriņadosa- Offering borrowed food.
( 24 ) HAIGTA - Māna dosa-By means (11) mar ghe - Prāvarta dosa -
of pride. Offering food obtained in exchange for
(25) 4 gra - Māyā doşa (By other food;
means of deceit); ( 12 ) 39f4919 14 - Abhighāla dosaOffering what has been bought from
( 26 ) mit gro - Lobha dosa - By another country or province;
exciting avidity; (13) face tato - Udbhinna dosa -
( 27 ) yarafa ata - Pūrvastuti dosa Giving ghee (Purified butter), medi
By means of prior praise; cine and the like, that have been kept
(28) upang mata ata - Pascat stuti uncovered;
dosa By means of posterior or subse(14) FIMIRTEUT CTG - Mālārohaņa
quent praise. dosa - Offering at a place where the
( 29 ) faalt 19 - Vidyā dosa - By sādhu can only reach by mounting a
imparting occult powers or by promisladder or a (long) flight of steps;
ing to do so; (15) 31123 To - Acchhedya dosa
(30)मन्त्रोत्पादन दोष- Mantrotpadana Offering food for fear of some one;
doşa - By imparting mantras
(invocatoryformulas)for snake bite and ( 16 ) Stream - Anisrșța dosa -
the like; Offering food when objected to by ser
(31 ) quturista - Churņayogadosavants in authority or guardians or by a
By imparting formulas for the preparaservant when a master be away.
tion of beautifying powders etc; (17) TC CTA - Dhatr dosa - Obtain
(32) 65HEIT - Mülakarmadosaing food by teaching how to look after children;
By imparting secrets for winning over
the love of a person and the like; (18) CT - Dūta dosa - Obtaining
(33) giugno - Saftkita dosa food by carrying messages.
Eating after a suspicion of impurity is (19) FARHET - Nimitta doşa -
raised in the mind." Obtaining food by means of palmistry,
(34) rara - Mrkšita dosa - prognostication etc.
Taking food from one whose hands and feet are besmeared with ghee (clarified