Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Ojasvitā - T an - Exuberance. Ogha-3779 - General, Summary, brief, Absstract. Ogha nirdesa-ओघ निर्देश - Summary instruction. Ogha Samjñā - 3779 Fizil - Instinct. Ogha prarü panā . 3718 48901 - Summer presentation. Om - 3 - A synonym for five holy souls. Sacred sound formed by combining the first syllable of each word in the namaskāra mantra.
Aupašamika bhāva - 3421644 919 - Subsidence phase. Autpattiki buddhi - औत्पत्तिकी बुद्धि - Instantaneous comprehension. Bitrufarastrac - Autapattik i BuddhiThe Āvasyakaniryukti defines autpattik i intellect as the intellection which comprehends instantaneously the true nature of a thing never seen, heard of or reported heretofore and is crowned with unbindered success.
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HTC - The manifestation determined by the operation of the karmas.
Panca II verse 967 Audayika bhāva - 3cf446 4ta - Rising phase. Audarika kayayoga . औदारिक toteemat - Physical body volition. Audārika sar i ra - Bitcificato PR - That which arises from udara is audarika, that is gross.
italia yrit - Udār means sthūla or gross. The body is called Audārika because it is constituted by Sthūla or gross matter. It is also derived from udara womb that which is born from the womb is Aud ärika. Any way Audārika Sarira refers to organic bodies animal and human. Aupapadika-औपपादिक - That which rises in upapāda (special bed) is aupapādika. Aupadhika - 31741fect - Adventions.
376 - (The Angas)- The an gas which are the canonical works of the Svetāmbara sect of the Jainas are said to have been dictated by the fifth Ganadhara Sudharma svām i to his disciple Jambū svām i, when the latter asked, the former to explain the tenets of Jainism as laid down by Mahavira. In the Angas we find questions like this: what has been laid down by lord Mahāvira, the Tirthamkara, on such and such a matter ? Put to Sudharma svām i by his disciple Jambu swāmi. Further, in the Angas there are sentences spoken by Sudharma svami to the effect : “I am telling you such and such a matter, as described by lord Mahāvira. From passage like these, it becomes certain that Mahāv ira is the earliest authority to which the existing Jaina canonical works refer. The Digambaras, however deny the authority of the angas and say that the original canonical works have perished