Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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without these intrinsic conditions there will be no bondage.
मिथ्यात्व - Mithyātva is the opposite of right faith or Samyak Darshana. This Mithyatva may manifest in the form of belief in false doctrines and disbelief in the true one. Avirata is the opposite of right conduct or Samyak caritra. This may manifest in an enthusiasm for the veil conduct and a hesitation for right
कषाय - Kasāya refers to the grosser emotions such as anger, pride, deceit
योग - Yoga refers to the uncontrolled and useless activity of Mana, Vachana, Kaya.
अष्टकर्म - Eight Karmas are - (1) Jnanavarni ya is the veil round the pure consciousness,
(2) Darsanavarniya is that which corrupts the faculty of perception and also of belief.
(3) Mohaniya is a sort of spiritual intoxication interfering with cognition and will.
(4) Vedaniya is feeling of pleasure and pain,
(5) Antaaya is the frustration of the useful efforts or righteously minded persons.
(6) आयु - determines the duration of life that a Jiva has in a particular state of existence.
(7) Nāma determines of generic and the specific characteristic of a Jivai.e. on account of this Nama karma ajiva is bom as a particular organism in a particular Gati.
(8) Gotra determines the value of life for example in a human being. This
karma determines the birth of a Ji va in a higher status or in a lower status. गोत्र कर्म - The conduct of the soul coming down from generation to generation is called Gotra (family). High and low conduct becomes high and low Gotra. (The Karma which determines high and low family for the birth of soul is called family determining karma or Gotra Karma. G.K. Gatha 13.
Birgonof and onlef In the cycle of existence which is fed by delusion caused by karmas, the age karma causes the sojourn of the soul, as the stocks which keep a man down.
G.K. Gāthā-11. नामकर्म के कार्य – The body making karma existence, etc. which differentiate the souls, many kinds of bodies which differentiate matter of various kinds and the change from one to another condition of existence.
Four aspects of Karma (f f)-There are four aspects (Nik sepa or nyasa) of Karma:- by name or negative (Nama), representation or representative (sthapana, privation or privative (Dravya), present or positive (Bhāva). Prakrti (Nature of Karmic matter) Papa (Demerit), Karma mala (Dirt), these terms (are ascribed to the dirt (of karmas) from the aspect of their names. G.K. Gāthā-12 स्थापना कर्म - Representation of karma, which is in combination with the soul, by similar or dissimilar object by the intellect, establishing (its identity), that is the representation (Sthapana aspect) of karma. G.K. Gāthā - 53 द्रव्यनिक्षेप कर्म - The privation (aspect) of karmas (is) of two kinds. Attention