Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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privation of karma (351745292) and quasi -attention - privation of karma (नो आगम द्रव्य कर्म).G.K. Gatha - 54 ( 1 ) 34714 567 - The soul, knower of the scripture about karınas, (but) without attention (to it is the first (i.e. attention - privation of karma). (2) ITTH So ooo - The second (quasi attention-privation aspect of karma, no-āgama Dravya karma Nik sepa) is of 3 kinds -(i) The knower's body (FR44 PRR) (ii) Future (body,
at), (iii) Other-than these two (goufafci) strena yritt an - The knower's body is of 3 kinds with reference to the three times, (past, present and future) of these two (i.e. present body of knower at the present time (acan 31405 RTT) and the future body ( 3761751145 ) are easy to understand.
G.K. Ghatha - 5 a prie – Past body is of three kindsexpired (zn), cast off ( fata), renounced (7497), Expired ( zyn) means that which drops by itself on maturity (of age karma). (It) is without premature death (कदली घातमरण) and death by renunciation. G.K. Gāthā - 56 कदलीघात मरण - In premature death (GIAC) age (34144) is cut short by poison, anguish (@G), consumption (रक्तक्षय), terror (भय), stroke of (deadly) weapon (
P T), (extreme) distress (HKT), suffocation and starvation.
G.K. Gāthā - 57 Enfaa Tartas - Cast off (body च्यावित शरीर) is associated with
premature death (agrit ), but without renunciation. त्यक्त भूत ज्ञायकशरीर-Renounced(त्यक्त body) is that which falls off on renunciation with or without premature death.
G.K. Gathā - 58 त्यक्त शरीर के भेद - The modes of foodrenunciation (9947 ufagil) self service (इङ्गिनी) and no service (प्रायोपगमन) these are the three modes of renouncing (the body).
G.K. Gāthā 59 To uffigit - Food - renunciation (is of 3 kinds, minimum, medium and maximum). The food renunciation mode is of one antar muhúrta in its minimum, twelve years in its maximum (duratioin). (The time) between them is (the duration of) medium (mode).
G.K. Gātha - 59-60 sf - ACUT - Serving one's needs oncself without service from others (is) death by self service (S RC).
G.K. Gāthā - 61 uru 47 - Death without self-service (or service) by others (is) death by noservice (4214147). भावी ज्ञायक शरीर - The soul which will be the knower of the scriptures relating to karma in future time is the future body knower (4191 Field TT).
G.K. Gåthā - 62 accufafan - Karma and quasi-karma (24) are the two kinds, besides these. कर्मतद्व्यतिरिक्त नोआगम द्रव्य कर्म - Karma is necessarily the karmic matter which has assumed the form of karmas.
G.K. Gātha - 63.