Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(i) зfor Aṇimā, becoming small
like a point.
(ii) - Mahimā, becoming very big or large, lika a mountain.
- Laghima, becoming ex
ceedingly light. (iv) गरिमा - Garimā, becoming very heavy.
- Prapti, the power to touch a distant mountain top with one's finger,
(vi) प्राकाम्य - Prākāmya moving on water as if it were earth, and vice versa,
(vii) ईशित्व Isitva, the power of
lordship over all,
(viii) afgra Vasitva, the power to win over all beings.
S.D. 145
(ix) fran- Apratighāta, moving through solids as if they were empty spaces, (x) अन्तर्ध्यान come invisible,
Antardhyāna, to be
(xi) anturafura become manifold.
Kāmarupitva, to
तपोॠद्धि - Taporddhi is of seven kinds,
as follows :S.D. 145 (i) उग्रतपो ऋद्धि - The Ugra taporddhi, which is capacity to endure unimaginable hardships unflinchingly,' (ii) दीप्त तपोॠद्धि The dipta taporddhi, is the acquisition of great radiance of the body and of the power of great endurance, (iii) तप्त तपोॠद्धि – The tapta taporddhi, the power to burn up the bodily excrements internally,
(iv) महातपोॠद्धि - the mahā taporddhi, the acquisition of the power to undertake the greatest forms of asceticism,
(v) घोर पराक्रम ऋद्धि The ghora parakrama rddhi, the acquisition of supernormal will power in the accomplishment of tapascharaṇa under the most trying of conditions. (vii) घोर ब्रह्मचर्य तपोॠद्धि Ghora brahmacarya Taporddhi, The accomplishment of the supremely unfaltering type of brahmacarya (celibacy), that is not sullied even in a dream.
बल ऋद्धि Bala rddhi, which implies the acquisition of extraordinary powers of the mind, speech and the body and which is of three kinds, namely - (1) The capacity to understand the entirety of the field and scope of the science of life (divine knowledge, termed Dv ādasan ga śruta), in an antarmuhurta (= a moment less than 48 minutes). (ii) The power to recite aloud the entirety of the Dvadasan ga śruta (the entirety of the teaching of the omniscient Tirthamkara) inanantarmuhurta (One moment less than forty-eight minutes), and
(iii) The powers to remain unaffected by the increasing severity of the ascetical bodily practices, kaya klesa and the like.
6. औषधि ऋद्धि - Auşadhi rddhi or the power to heal, which is of different kinds, as follows:
(i) आमर्षोषधि ऋद्धि – The āmarsoşadhi rddhi, that is curing by mere bodily contact or touch.
(ii) क्ष्वेलोषधि ऋद्धि - Thekshveloşadhi rddhi, where the phlegm becomes inverted with the power to cure ailments, by its contact.
(iii) जल्लोषधि ऋद्धि - The Jallosadhi rddhi, where the sweat has acquired the power to heal,