Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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indeep concentration is fasting. It means giving up the four kinds of food.
S-7/21 Upavr mhaņa - 3426u - Development of one's spiritual capacity. Upayoga -34- Active consciousness, Perception and knowledge, kinds of conscious attentiveness. Understanding, Psychic attention, Cognitive activ ity, Consciousness. The attentve disposition of the soul for that purpose is termed active consciousness (attention or upayoga) Consciousness is the effect of sense.
S-2/18 Upayogaisconsciousness in its state of activity. The soul is called upayukta or upayogavan when it is actually engaged in knowing something. Mere capacity for knowledge without actual knowledge is labdhi.
SJ.P. 56 Conscious attentiveness. The (conscious) thought activity produced in the soul for the purpose of (apprehending) a substance is certainly conscious attentiveness or attention. It should be known to be of two kinds (I) with form (sākāra) and (II) Without form (nirākāra)
G.J. 672 Sikaropayoga-साकारोपयोग-By(the helpof) sensitive scriptural, visual and mental knowledge, detailedknowledge of their respective subject matter lasting for one antar-muhūrta is certainly (attention) with form. G.J. 674 Ana kara upayoga - 371097 341 By the help of senses, mind and visual (conation) detail-less apprehension of substances lasting for one antarmuhūrta is attention without form. Upayoga (Subha) 344141 (979) - Gracious attention.
Upayoga (Suddha) 344147 (TG) - Pure attention. Upayoga visuddha- उपयोग विशुद्ध-He who has manifested pure consciousness. Upayogātmā - 3441-chi - Both the liberated and non liberated jīvas have the characteristic of applying the specific and general knowledge hence they are called upayogātmā. Upayukta - 39240 - Soothing. Upada na kartta - 3469 of FIT - Substantive causal agent, Substantial cause. Upädeya - 34164 - Wholesome, what is to be accepted, Acceptable. Upadhi - 34118 - Outfits, Limitations, Appellation. Upadhyaya - 34184184 - Preceptor, Incharge of instructions, preceptor of an order of saints, The saintly preceptor of saints.
These are all the souls till date who have given and are giving knowledge.
The term upādhyāya represents the great religious teachers whose function is to instruct the people, lay and ascetic about the chief tenets of religion and also about the rules of conduct.
That being, the greatest of the great sages who being possessed of three Jewels is always engaged in preaching the religious truths is (known as) upādhyāya (Teacher). Dr. 53
• Upadhyāya is preceptor under whom the scripturesare studied in order to attain liberation.
S-9/24 Upada na karana · 3416H oro - Material cause, affluent cause. • Upādāna kāraņa (kşaņika) 34619 arcu (erfum) - Affluent cause (mo mentary)