Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(49) Ākrosa - 34156- Malice, Reproach, Amoksa - 37478 - Complete emanScolding, Insolent.
cipation. Āku ñ cana - 3156 - Flexions. Ananda - 3717 - Pure bliss, HappiA la mkārika - Biafiche - Orna
ness. mental, Splendid.
Anandadayaka- आनन्ददायक - Bliss
ful. A lasaya - 3117R4 - Sloth, Idleness. Aläpaka - 31611496 - A group of A nandita - 316 ST - Rejoiced. connected sentences.
Antarika sajja. आन्तरिक सज्जा - FurAlapana - 31419 - Binding of two
nishing. things joined together.
A nayana - 3467477 - Ordering some Alāpa - 3416119 - Distinctions.
one to bring something from a counter
outside his mental resolve. A laya vijñana - 341574faşini - Concept of storehouse consciousness.
Angopanganamakarma - आङ्गोपाA locana - 31 - Intuition, Intu
SH - That, on the rise of which the itional cognition, Parceptual cognition.
chief and secondary parts of the body
are distinguished, is the name karma of A locana -31Tani - Confession, The
the limbs and minor limbs. It is of three report of sins committed.
kinds - the limbs and minor limbs of the A locana - histant - Confession - gross physical body, the limbs and minor Relatingones transgression to the mas
limbs of the transformable body and the ter without the ten faults is confession.
limbs and minor limbs of the translocaS-9/11 tion body.
S-8/11 Ā locita - lfan - One who has Ā nukampika - 34139740 - Compasconfessed his faults.
sionate. Alokitapānabhojana · Arifona · A nupūrva - Eye - Succession. 97741514 - Examining food and drink. -
Anupūrvi - 3167aft - Order. Ama - 3714 - Untipe.
A nupūrvaya - 371140 - Movement A magandha - 3143737 - A fault. after death. A mantran 1 - 514-7017 - Invocative. Anupūryya nama Karma - 375ger A marsosadhi rddhi . आम!धि नाम कर्म - Nama Karma of migratoy
form. Hefe- Power to cure diseases by mere
That, on the rise of which the form of touch of the hand, Curing by mere bodily contact or touch.
previous body does not disappear, isthe
name Karma of migratory form. It is A mnaya - 3774774 - Recitation is re- of four kinds relating to the tendency of peating the text again and again with the soul after death of move towards the correct pronunciation. S-9125 four states of existence, namely the A moda pramoda - 34116 TG - infernal, the animal, the human and the Amusement.