Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(56) four kinds of gods, dwelling in four instrument of knowledge for the self is different spheres, known respectively sense organ (Indriya). S-1/14 as. Bhavana, Vyantara, Jyotisa and Katria - (Indrarāja III) - He was Vaimānika. The Vaimānika region is thegrandson of Krşpall and succeeded again subdivided into kalpa and him. His crowning ceremony took place kalpatita spheres. Indras are a higher on 24th February 915 A.D. Heruled for order of gods who dwell in Bhavana,
five years and keenly supported Jainism Vyantara and Jyotisa regions and the
and so did his Generals Shrivijaya and kalpa sphere only of the vaimānika
Narasinha. Despite their being Jainas region. There are no Indras in the
by faith they fought several battles and
overran the whole of central India and kalpātita sphere besides these Indras
Madhya deśa.
A-81. among gods, there are also others among men and among lower animals.
Indriya mārgaņā - sfarsca Arful - There is a difference of opinion be- Sense soul quest, Sense wayward. tween the two principal sects of the Indriya nirodha-sfiga FATE - Control Jainas as to the number of Indras. The of senses. Ś vetā mbaras assert that there are Indriya paryapti - sfat reffer - Detwelve heavens and sixty four Indras; velopment of sense organs. But the Digambaras maintain that there Indriya pratyaksa - sfset 18 - are sixteen heavens and one hundred
empirical sense intuition. olympian monarchs (Indras). From a
Indriya prana • इन्द्रिय प्राण - Indriya verse found in most of the commentar
prāṇasare the senses(a)Contactsenses ies on Digambara Jaina works, we leam that "there are forty Indras among the
through skin (43f) (b) Taste through gods who dwell in Bhavan (sphere) tongue (747) (c) Smell through nose thirty two among the gods(who live in) (EM) (d) Soundthrough ears (auf) (e) vyantara (sphere) twenty four among Vision through eyes (ag) Sense vitalithe gods (living in) kalpa (sphere), two among the Jyotisa or planetary gods,
Indriya prana - sf4 m - Every the sun and the moon (one among) men and (one among) the Tiryaks (i.e., all
organism must possess somekind of creatures excluding gods, men and
sense awareness. This implies the posinmates of belly” Dr. page 2-3.
session of a sense organ and the capac
ity to apprehend the environment sfasut - Indriya - Indra is the word
through the senses. The number of sense denoting name karma. That which is
organs is different according to stages built by it is the sense (Indriya).
of organic development. S-1/14
Indriya Samyama - इन्द्रिय संयम - DeIndriya - (5f54) - Sense organ -
sistance from sensual pleasure, sense When there is the destruction cum sub
control. sidence of karmas obscuring knowl
28 Indriya visaya-285fefaena - (28 edge, the self by itself is unable to know
senseobjects) - Five tastes, five colours, the objects. And that which acts as the