Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Uddhāraka - 3GP - Saviour. Uddhara sagaropama - 3GP सागरोपम- Ameasure of time consisting of ten kotako tis of polyopamas. Uddhāra - Jole - Picking. Uddhāra palya - Jose Y - Innumerable vyavahāra palyas. Uddhāra sāgara - JGT ATR - Picking sea. Uddhara samaya - उद्धार समय - The number of samayas contained in 25 sagaropamas. Uddiş ta - 3fee - Implying prepara- tion of food specially for the saint. Desired method of combination, Synthesis. Udirana - GRUNI - Premature fruition, premature realization, premature operation, premature rise. Udvartana - Jeshi - Accession. Udvartanakarana - उद्वर्तनाकरण - Increased realisation. Udvega - 357 - Anxiety. Udvelana - 3.57 - Perturbation. Udyami - JEM - Occupational. Udyog i himsa - उद्योगी हिंसा - Business violence, Injury happening unavoidably in the professions, business. Udyota - GENC - Emitting cool lustre, Cool light. Cool light is the light issuing from the moon, the firefly (glow worm), Jewels etc. Udyotana ma karma - BETA 7146That which causes the body of a being to emit cool brilliance or lustre, is the name karma of cold light. It is found in the moon, the glowworm etc.
Ugra - 34 - Severe. Ugratapo rddhi - 34491 - Capacity to endure Unimaginable hardships unflinclingly. Uhya - 3€- Argumentation, Ellipisis. Ujjvala - 3w06 - Lustrous. Ukta avagraha - उक्त अवग्रह - Expressed apprehension. Ullekha karana - उल्लेख करना - Pertain. Uñchavrtti - 30gęker - Begging of alms. Unmadi • 3AHIGT - Fanatic. Unmana-36-Balance metric, fine metric. Unmargagami sramana- उन्मार्गगामी STRUT - He who does not abandon the notion of mineness over the body and possessions that I am this and this is mine. gives up the status of a saint and goes astray. Unmisra dosa - Fusta - Taking food mixed with earth or insects or unsterilized things. Upabhoga . 34411 - Re-enjoyment, Enjoyment of non consumable things, Apprehension. Upabhogaparibhogā narthakya - उपभोगपरिभोगानर्थक्य - Accumulation of consumable and non consumable things beyond one's needs. Upabhogāntarāya karma - 3941TERRA - Obstructive karmas of reenjoyment. Upacara - 345R - Analogy, Usage, Figurative, Transference of epithet, formality. Upacara chala - 3401 6967 - Causistry based upon metaphor.