Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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two smells, Eight touches and 7 sounds along with mind enjoyment should be known to be the 28 sense objects. G.J. 479 Indriyārtha_sannikarsa - इन्द्रियार्थ सन्निकर्ष - Sense object contact. Ingini marana- - इड्गिनीमरण - Death
by self service.
Ista Adored, Desired.
Isugati-fa-Arrow motion. Itaranigoda - इतरनिगोद - Other one sensed souls with common bodies. Itaretarābhāva - इतरेतराभाव Respective absence.
Itvarika - (af) - A woman who cohabits with one other than her spouse is an unchaste woman (Itvari.). The meaning of the suffix kā is contemptible. Hence Itvarik a means a contemptible adultress.
Itvarikāgamana- इत्वरिकागमन - Visiting an immoral woman.
ई (I)
Tha - ईहा speculation, Reflexive speculation, Enquiry.
Tha-(1) - Speculation - The desire to know particulars regarding the object apprehended by avagraha is speculation. For instance, 'Is that white object a crane or a flag.' S-1/15
Irya patha-f- Influx of karmas, Non affecting, Restraint in roaming, Influx of karmas caused by vibration without passions. Iryapath(f) - That karma which is caused by vibrations is called Iry apatha. S-6/4
īryāpatha karma - ईर्यापथ कर्म - Influx of functional without bond. Iryāpathakriyā - ईर्यापथ क्रिया is walking carefully by looking on the ground for living beings which may be trodden and injured. S-6/4
īryāsamiti - ईर्यासमिति - Regulation of movement, Discipline in movement Carefulness in waking, so that no insect or being is harmed.
īrsyā - ईर्ष्या - Envy. Isitva--The power of lordship
over all.
Isat - ईषत् - Faintly.
īśvarakāranika - ईश्वरकारणिक - One who holds that God is the creator of universe.
उ (U)
Ubharana-34-Infuse, highlight.
Ubharati hui -
- Bulging.
Both, Two dimen
Ubhaya - उभय sional.
Ubhaya dravya - उभय द्रव्य Both fluent.
Udhaya bandhi prakrti - उभयबन्धी प्रकृति - Both bonding configuration. Ubhaya manoyoga. उभय मनोयोग Mixed namely both true and false mind vibration.
Ubhayavada-344-The composite site view of identity and difference, Theory of twofold nature of reality or of the identity and difference. Udhayavikala - उभयविकल Unconnected with both.