Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Āharakaśarī ra-HERA PRR - The Ājña. El - Revelation. miraculous projectable body is that
Ājña pani - 31751191 - Dictatory. which is originated by a saint of the sixth stage, in order to resolve a doubt Ājñāvicaya - Brailaren - Respecting or to ascertain the nature of a minute the teaching of scripture. object or to dispel non-restraint. Ājñāvyapadik i kriya . 37151107A haraka samudghata . आहारक। पादिकी क्रिया - is misinterpreting the Hangen - Assimilative overflow. injunctions laid down in the scriptures Ābāraka sarira angopā nga ·
which one is unable to carry out owing
to the rise of conductconcluding karmas. 3116R YRR 34191475 - Chief and sec.
S-6/4 ondary parts of translocation body.
Akara - 37701 - Form, stature. Aharaka yoga आहारक योग - Assimilative vibration- Through this the
Akarasambandhi - आकार सम्बन्धी
Physiognomical. saint having doubt in himself, going near an omniscient (or a knower of A kāramū laka - 3410 4Mats - figurascriptures)assimilates or comprebends tive. (3116fa) fine matters (i.e. the points on Akasapradesa-आकाशप्रदेश- Space which he was in doubt), therefore (this) points. vibration is called 3TER* (assimilative Akasa pradesa . आकाश प्रदेश - The vibration or a baraka yoga).
portion of the space occupied by one
atom is called the space point and it is Aharaka kaya yoga - आहारक काय
capable of giving room to the atom of 1- Activity of the super normal body.
all substances. Āhāra paryaptinama karma - SHER
A kiñ canya - T OERI - Nonपर्याप्ति नाम कर्म - Molecules to form the attchment, Possessionless. body.
Akiñ canya - 3 vnt - Non-attachAhāra samjña-STER HRIT Prey
ment is giving up adornment of the ing instinct.
body and the thought, “This is mine”. Āhāra vargaņā - 34TER arun - As- He who has nothing is aki f'cana. His similation molecule.
thought or natural property is Āblada - 311616 - Sheer joy. aki n canya.
S-9/6 Ā nhika - 34/16 - Group of lectures. Aksepaņi -aquit - Stories which Ahrtādāna - FATEGIGH - Receiving attract man towards the pleasures of the stolen property.
senses. Āji vika - Hulaan - The followers A krandana - 37757 - Moaning. of Goś a laka
A krandana - (3119G7) - Moaning - Ajivika dosa आजीविका दोष - Ob
Moaning is weeping loudly out of anguish.
S-6/11 taining food by describing ones own lineage, merit or occupations. Akrti les fos - Figure.