Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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of a group of asceties as well as the householders.
Torf - An ācārya is one who prac- tises the five ācaras (kinds of conduct) and advises his disciples to do the same. The five kinds of ācāras are Darsanācara, Jñanacara, Caritra cara, Tapācāra and viryācāra. Gyfarer - (Darsanācāra). Darsanā-cara is the tumingof oneself to the faith that the soul, consisting of supreme consiciousness, is separate from everything else and is the only thing to be meditated on.
190R- (Jñanācāra). Iñānācāraisthe turning of oneself to attainment of the knowledge that the natural characteristics of the soul have no connection with delusion or attachment and aversion. alfarer-(Caritracara)-Caritracara consists in making the soul tranquil after freeing it from all kinds of disturbances arising from attachment etc. so that it may enjoy perfect bliss. Arar - (Tapācāra) :- Tapācāra consists in the practice of various kinds of penances by which one can conquer reprehensible desires and attain a true conception of soul. aufar-(Viryacara)-Viryacara is giving full scope to one's inherent power, so that the first four acaras might not be hindered or destroyed.
Dr. page 116-117 (Brahmadeva commentary) आचार्योकाध्यालकरने का उपदेश- The sage who attaches himself and others to
the practice of virya (power) cā ritra (conduct) and Tapa (penance) in wbich faith and knowledge are eminent is to be meditated, as ācārya (preceptor).
Dr. 52 Ā carya - Baref - The head of the company of saints, Head ascetic, Chief saint, The head of the group of saints, Chief preceptor.
Acarya bhakti- आचार्य भक्ति - Devotion of chief preceptors.
A carya Bhakti - आचार्य भक्ति - The worship of chief preceptors. S-6/24 Ādana nik secpana samiti - 371679निक्षेपण समिति - Discipline in receiving and throwing out careless lifting and laying down. A dānanik sepaņa Samiti - 31617frequufufe - Carefulness in lifting and laying down. Ādānaniksepaņa samiti - (31IGTAfretta Afifa) - Care in taking and placing things or objects. A desa - 3775T - Exposition. Detail. A deya - 371164 - Lustrous body. A deya nama Karma -37162 FTAThat which causes lustre of body is the name karma of lustre (ādeya).
S-8/11 Ā dhāra - 3TER - Container, Supporter. Adhā rita - Taufea - Envisaged. Adhariya - 3 repita - Basal. Adhäradheya bhäva - 09Relation of container and containod. Ā dheya - ha - Contained, Supported. Adhina - Spreita - Sarbjugated.