Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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A rambha - 3717 - Commencement. Arambha - 37R44 - Commencement of violence etc. is Ā rambha. S-6/8 Arambhakatha . आरम्भकथा - Talk about worldly activity. Ā rambha - 3TR44 - Excessive infliction of pain, Activity which causes pain and suffering to living beings. Arambhavada . आरम्भवाद - The sa mkhya theory of identity of cause and its effect. 3713147AIG – The doctrine of new creation of the Nyāya Vaiseșika Philosophy. According to the Arambhavāda an effect, the result of change, is considered to be a totally novel creation completely different from the cause although it inheres in the cause as a quality does in a substance. This view is also called Asa tkāryavād. A rambh i himsa . Bra FHI - Injury which happens unavoidably in the performance of various duties and rituals. A rjava - 34/fa - Simplicity, Straighforwardness. Ārjava - 31sfa - Straight forwardness is freedom from crookedness. S-916 Ārā -3721 - A spoke of wheel, A division of time. Āradhaka - 3111872 - Aspirant, One who devotes himself to asceticism. A rohi - RIET - Riders. Ārta - 31 - Painful. Ārttadhyāna - Brain - Painful concentration, Mournful concentration, Sorrowful concentration, Meditation on one's misery or calamity.
A rttadhyāna - 31 - The lowest form of meditation as identified by the Jainas. Its object is twofold, viz, adesire to get rid of an undesired thing and a desire to get back a dear and coveted thing. This characterises the thinking of all human beings. Ārti - Bufet - Pain. Arya - 37rf - The civilized people. Arya -377f - Those who are possessed of virtues or are resorted by the virtuous are called Aryans. They areoftwokinds, those with supernatural, spirtual attainments and those without. The latter are of five divisions, based on region, family, occupation, conduct and faith. The former are of seven divisions, on the basis of extraordinary knowledge, change of form, austerity, might, healing power, occult power to transform simple food into delicious dishes and power to ensure food inexhaustible even while feeding any number. S-3/36 Āryans and Mlecchas - 3pfam intory Commenting upon the sūtra 'strafataga' of Tattvärthas a tra, the commentators both Pūjyapād and Akalan kaspeak of five different classes of Aryaś Kșetra Aryās, Jati - Āryas, Karma Aryas, caritra Aryas, and daršana Āryas. The first class includes all those wbo live in the countries Kāsi, Kosala etc; The second class includes those who belong to the lksvāku class; The third class includes all those who are engaged in the six kinds of professions such as defence, agriculture, trade, art etc., the fourth class refers to all those persons who ennoble themselves