Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(1) 34 ( The following) (2) अननुगामी (Not following) (3) TA (The growing) (4) 144 (Decaying or decreasing) (5) 349fen (Limited or bounded) (6) 377afeta (Unlimited or indefinite) Anugāmi -3714 - Which enlightens the things while marching as the sun does. Ananugami - अननुगामी - Which sticks to one and the same thing as the fixed idea of an insane person. In the first attention is continually flowing from things to things whereas in the second it is rivetted to the very same thing.
416 - Vardhamāna - Which begins like a spark of light and grows into a huge flame gradually lighting up a number of objects. genta - Hi yamāna - Here the faculty gradually decreases like fire going out. 3rafien - Avasthita - The faculty that neither increases nor decreases but is limited and definite because of the samyak qualities of the soul. graf - Anavasthita - Anavasthita is the opposite of the 3tafiera. It is unlimited and indefinite. It is wavering hither and thither like a column of fire or water that is subject to heavy gust of wind. Rarafia - Paramā vadhi-Parmavadhi is the higher Avadhi Jñ ana which is free from such limitations of Tarafa. Hatafa - Sarvävadhi - Saryāvadhi is the perfect faculty which perceives all reality. This is associated with the per- fect self.
Ha:4efe - Manahparyaya - ManahParyaya is of two kinds: Rjumati and Vipulamati; telepathy which manifests straight and direct, and telepathy that manifests crooked or in undulations. These appear only in a person of Apramatta Gun asthana who acquired Samyama labdhi. (i.e.) a person who acquired complete harmony or steadiness of the spirit by or through renunciation. #ha - Riumati - Rivi means straight that which manifests straight or direct is Rjumati. This apprehends straight and direct the ideas in anothers mind. faymufa - Vipulamati - Vipula means crooked or zigzag. When the process of knowing the ideas in other's mind manifests in a zigzag way it is vipulamati. अवधिज्ञान के भेद - The two kinds of Avadhi - Avadhi is of two kinds according to the nature of its origin. The first is due to birth and secondowes its origin to destruction-cum-subsidence of the particular karmic veil. S-1/20 Bhava . (42) - The mode of a soul - The mode of a soul is the state of existence caused by the life and name karmas.
S-1/21 Pratyaya - (467) - Cause. Sixkinds of claivoyance from destruction-cum subsidence - (8: Yr oft samff afegint) - Clairvoyance is of six kinds. These are anugāmi, Ananugāmi, Vardhamana, Hiyamāna, Avasthita and Anavasthita (Accompanying, Unaccompanying, Increasing, Decreasing, Steady and Unsteady). Just as light accompanies