Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(36) Atigaccha - Bufanie - To elapse. implements, medicine and shelter. Pure Atkrama • Bufers4 - To pass, To
food must be offered by the house
holder with a pure heart to the ascetic elapse, To pass away.
on the path to emancipation who is Atikramaņa - fish 44 - Transgres
earnest in practising restraint and discision.
pline. Implements such as books which Atkranta - faghta - Passed, Vio
promote right faith and so on must be lated, Discarded.
presented to him. Wholesome and proper At lolupata fer algun - Voracity, medicine must be given to him. Shelter Revenousness.
also must be provided for the ascetic Atipāta.fauna - Killing, Viloence. with great devotion. S-7/21 Atiprasadhana . अतिप्रसाधन - Sur- Atithipūjā - fare LEFT - Hospitality. rounding oneself with the objects of Ativāhana - 1167 - Keeping a sensual pleasure.
large number of vehicles. Atiprasanga - 3 fayhem - Unwar- Advikata - ufafaahe - Extremely deranted extension, Extreme context formed. (Irrevalence)
Ativyāpti culise - Overlapping, Atranjita- strariista - Overestimated. Extreme differentia, Being too wide Atisa mdhana - Bifreien - Playing concommitance fallacy. tricks upon others.
Aticāra - ofiare - Transgressions. Atsamgraha - Hra - Accumulat- Ati ndriya - Braitsee - Invisible, ing even unnecessary articles in large Unsensuous, Super sensitive, Beyond numbers.
the reach of senses, Para sense. Atisaya - safarra - Additional effi- Ati ndriyasukha-taifanya - Super ciency, Development of extraordinary
sensible bappiness. personality.
Atindriya jnana - अतीन्द्रिय ज्ञान - Atiśayita - suferitera - Surpassing.
Supersensuous intuition. Atisaya yukta - safarrerant - Tran
Ati ndriyatā - staligem - Supersenscendental.
suousness. Atisesa - safaxie - An extraordinary
Atisthāpanāval¡ . Bfaremaa - occurrence.
Extreme installation trail. Atisith a panávali ferry 1919f -
Ativyapti . अतिव्याप्ति - Undesirable Over installation trail.
extension. Atisundara - 3 ICT - Exquisite.
Atirjuka. अति ऋजुक - Having avery Atithi - ufafen - He, who moves from
simple nature, in a straight course. place to place without transgressing his self control is called a guest (atithi). Or
Atita - Ta - Gone over, Passed. he who comes on any day without any Ati ucca - 34fe gel - Very high. regularity or definiteness is a guest. At ugra - 3fasy - Very fearful, Very Four things offered to the guest-Food, frightening.