Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(35) mansions of Asurakumāras are in the At
Atianis ta - zifasifre - Very undesirPan kabahula part of the first infernal able, Very harsh. region.
Atiavara - HORTOR - Very lowly, Asūya -3741 - Prolonged non-figu- Extremely low. rativeness.
Atiīrsā. 3 fasaf - Exess jealousy or Ašvanāla - 37892167 - Horse shoe. rivalry. . Asvāroh i - 399ks - Equestrain. Aticara - 39fitar - Indulgence in the Atadbhāva - 346479 - Substance is pleasures of the world. existing, quality is existing and modi- Atikala - 3401 - Delay, Late. fication is existing, so is the detailed Atikas āya Utkatatā - 39100011 scope of existence, the negation of any
Jropical - Extreme intensity of passions. one of them, in fact, is that negation
Atikaya and Mahakaya • अतिकाय termed as non-identity. Atad vyavrtta - 31aGaia - Things
तथा महाकाय - These are two lords of Mahoragas.
S-476 excluded from their opposite. Atadā kāra sthāpanā . 3TAGIOARE
Atiklesa - auferater - Great trouble. P11971- Non similiar installation.
Atiklista - farate - Greatly defiled
or disturbed. Atad vyāvrtti - 3167 allere - Exclusion of the opposite.
Atikrpaņa-3 frigo 49 - Very nigardly,
Very stingy. Atata - 3772 - A period consisting of
Ati Kutila - 3tfagfest - Very crooked. eighty four laks of atatāngas.
Ati Kūpita - 3tfagofun - Very angry. Atatā nga - 3725 - A period consisting of eighty four laks of trutitas.
Ati Krūra - 3 forsket - Very cruel.
Ati Kopana - 3fa971 - Very irasAtathajnana . अतथाज्ञान - False
cible. knowledge.
Ati Kopatura - अतिकोपातुर - Prone to Athākhyata - 379104 - Perfect con
great anger. duct.
Atikrantacarin-अतिक्रान्तचारिन्-Who Athāpravrtta - 3791998 -
violates the rules of conduct. Conformally tended. Atialaikrta. अति अलङ्कृत - Elabo
Atikraman iya - 3 fois quite - Fit to
be transgressed. rate.
Atuksantika. अति शान्तिका - Very Atibla nga mudra . sfrumnat -
forgiving. Flexed body.
Ati Khara . sferen - Very harsh or Atibhārāropara - FORR1401 -
severe. Overloading is putting more weight
Atikhecara - flestar - Superior to than an animal or a buman being can
S-7/25 reason-ably carry.
semi divine damsels. Atigata - Befana - To enter, To go.