Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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(39) the sun, the first kind accompanies the 3rafusa - Visual knowledge is called individual possessing it wherever he · Avadhi, because it is limited goes. The second kind does not accom- (Avadhiyate) and it is called in the scrip pany the individual. It passes away
tures Simā Jrāna (bounded knowlthere itself like the reply given to the
edge) because it is bounded in respect question of an indifferent person. The
of its subject matter, Dravya, its scope third variety develops rapidly like the fire in the forest caused by friction,
in space, kshetra, its duration in time, which spreads rapidly by means of dried
kā la, and its different conditions leaves and fuel. It develops from its
Bhāva). And the conquerors speak of original degree upto the extent of innu
visual knowledge as of 2 kinds, promerable universes, owing to the purity
duced by birth (Bhava pratyaya), or by of right faith etc. of the individual. The merit (Guņa pratyaya). fourth variety decreases up to a very
G.J. 206. Gatha 370 small fraction of an an gula (a very
Hauptre site quiere parit – Birth small measure) from its original degree born (47, visual knowledge, is owing to the decline of right faith and possessed by) celastial and hellish bethe consequent increases of impure
ings and also by the Tirthamkaras and thought. The fifth type neither decreases
rises from the destruction subsidence of nor increases. It is like the mole. It is
visual knowledge obscuring karma in steadfast at the same level at which it
all (parts of) the body: Merit born Guņa originates, as right faith etc. continue in
pratyaya visual knowledge is acquired the same condition. It is so till death or
by human and subhuman beings, and till the attainment of omniscience. The
rises from the destruction- subsidence sixth type is unsteady like the waves
of visual knowledge. Obscuring karma caused by the wind. It develops as well in body above the navel at the marks of as deteriorates in accordance with the
conch etc. (e.g. lotus, bolt, Svastika growth or decline of right faith etc.
etc.) . S-1/22
G.J. 206. Gatha 371 Kumati, Kušruta and Kuavadhi - 3 GT GT Stafa - There are three (ufa, Franta site gostafa)- Sensory kinds of visual knowledge - knowledge, scriptural knowledge and Arnare - Partial visual knowledge. clairvoyance may also be erroneous
hafu - Full visual knowledge. knowledge. These are wrong because these co-exist in the soul with wrong
watafe - Full visual knowledge. belief. It is similar to the milk kept in
Birth-born (Bhava-Pratyaya) visual a bitter ground. Now the taste of the
knowledge is necessarily partial visual milk becomes different on account of knowledge (Deshavadhi). High the defect of the receptacle in which it (Param) and full (Sarva) visual knowlis kept. But there is no error in the edge is necessarily merit born (Guņaascertainment of objects by wrong sen- pratyaya) partial visual knowledge also sory knowledge etc. S-1/31 may be merit bom.
G.J. 207. Gāthā 372-73