Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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Artha patti - 37ef4fe - Implication, Presumption. Arthapattisama . अर्थापत्तिसमा - Parity per implication. Arth a vagraha - 37e1fque - Distinct apprehension. Arthā vagraha - (379fque ) - Distinct apprehension is arthā vagraha.
Vya njana paryāya is not merely the cross section in the continuous flow of dravya. Vyañjana parya ya has a pretty fixed duration of existence. Besides the
the molecular aggregation and disintegra- tion that take place every moment in a physical object, the object may have a particular mode of existence as pot, for example for a certain duration of time. This paryāya of pot is vyañjana paryaya of Pudgala. Similarly for Ji va. The continuous change that takes place in conscionsness is Ji va's arthaparyaya. Its existince as a par- ticular organism as a man or a deva with determinate age is vyañjana paryāya of Jivas. Thus Ji va and pudgala have both the kinds of paryayas where as the other four dravyas have got only arthaparyāya alone. Arthaparyaya naigama naya · 3eferente 1474 - Object event figura- tive purport. Artha pradhāna - Sefget - Money oriented. Artha prakās'a - 37effanti - The illumination of the object. Artha rupa • अर्थरूप - Condensed form. Arthasa maya - 372f4149 - The system of reality. Artha samdrsti - spetsiçfee - Object Shifting. Arthādhikara - 37effelnir - The subject of a chapter etc. Arthantara - 37217FR - Irrelevant matters, Different irrelevant digression, Shifting the topic.
Artha vyabhicāri . 379fafutart - Correspondence with fact. Arthopalabdhi - अर्थोपलब्धि - The cognition of an object. Arti - 3110 - Pain. Arun ābha - 3750174 - Coral. Arupi - 3776 4t - Non perceivable, Immaterial substances, Asamavāyi Kārana . 377491 ORO- Non material cause. Asamiksyadhikarana . असमीक्ष्याfuchu - Indulging too much action without considering the object. Asa mkhya - 37404 - That which is beyond numerable is innumerable. Asa mkhya guna - (TEICA TU - Innumerable fold. That which is innumerable fold is innumerable fold.
. S. 2/38 Asa n gati - 3945 fot - Incompatibility. Asatpratipaksa hetu - असत्प्रतिपक्ष हेतुAbsence of a counter vailing probans. Asadharana - असाधारण - Uncommon. Atis'aya yukta - faxriyo - Unparalleled. Asabhyavacana-असभ्य वचन - Vulgar words. Asada rambha - 3T4GR1797 - An evil activity.