Book Title: Sudha Sagar Hindi English Jaina Dictionary
Author(s): Rameshchandra Jain
Publisher: Gyansagar Vagarth Vimarsh Kendra Byavar
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The following verse from Skanda Purāņa Prabhāsa part XIV, 94-95 is worth noting: वामनोऽपि ततश्चक्रे तत्र तीथविगाहनम् । याद्रग्रूपः शिवो दृष्टः सूर्यबिम्बे दिगम्बरः ॥ पद्मासनस्थितः सौभ्यस्तथा तं तत्र संस्मरन् । प्रतिष्ठाप्य महामूर्त्तिं पूजयामास वासरम् मनोऽभीष्टार्थं सिद्ध्यर्थं ततः सिद्धिमवाप्तवान् । नोमिनाथ शिवेत्येवं नामचक्रे स वामनः ॥
Translation Vamana regarded the place as a Tirtha. The (true) form of
Siva, even that Digambara (Undressed) form was seen in image in the sun! Recalling the form of the lord, seated in the Padmasana (the sitting yoga posture with legs crossed) which is the embodiment of tranquility itself, he established the image of Vamana and worshiped it. This he did to attain to the fulfilment of the wish of his heart. This wish was fulfilled! that va mananamed Neminatha Siva.
In accordance with Jaina traditions lord Aristanemi was the first cousin of the Hindu God Lord Krsna. Samundra Vijaya, the father of Lord Ariş tanemi, and Vasudeva the father of Lord Krsna, were brothers. Aristanemi was born at Saur ipura, a big town on the bank of Yamuna near Agra.
With perfect self control Aristanemi immersed himself in the deepest contemplation. Upon the annihilation of the four destructive karmas Ari stanemi came to be possessed of omniscience. A-37-40 Arpan abheda - अर्पणभेद - Great difference in the presentation.
Arpita - - Prominence given to one characteristic from one point of view.
Artha 372f Object, The object of knowledge. Artha-372-The subject of meditation is the object. It is either substance or mode. S-9/44. Arthagrahana - अर्थग्रहण - Comprehension of meaning, The cognition of the object. Arthajanya - अर्थजन्य - Generated by an object.
Artha Katha - अर्थकथा - Money gossip.
Artha kriya - अर्थक्रिया - Positive effort, exercise of cause efficiency. Arthakriyākarita - अर्थक्रियाकारिता - Practical utility, Causal efficiency. Arthakriya samarthya - 372ff सामर्थ्य - The capacity of the generation of practical consequences. Arthapada 32 - Meaning foot - A combination of letters which conveys some meaning as "bring fire" Arthaparin āma - अर्थपरिणाम - Object
Artha paryaya and Vyanjana paryāya - अर्थपर्याय और व्यञ्जन पर्याय Dravya is but an entity that is continually changing. This triple nature of reality that is permanency through births and deaths through creation and destruction gives to dravyaa charactirestic mode of existence every moment. This continuous flow of the real is parallel to the continuous flow of the duration of time. This intrinsic change of dravya is known as arthaparyaya. All the six dravyas have this arthapary a ya.