( 32 ) Him by the names regarded holy by other religion. ists. For instance, Hemachandracharya bows to any God who has burnt up the seeds of mundane exist. ence, viz. , attachment and aversion. He does not care to notice whether that God is named Brahman, Vishnu. Haru, Jind or something elsel. Another illustration of this is the 25th verse2 of Bhaktamara. stotra composed by Manatungacharya.
Do not these instances point out the fact that the Jaina Acharyas were not bigots and were ever ready to follow the principle that right is mine and not that mine is right'?
Jainism abounds in sayings such as सत्त्वेषु मैत्री गुणिषु प्रमोदं, क्लिष्टेषु जीवेषु कृपापरत्वम् । माध्यस्थभावं विपरीतवृत्ती, सदा ममात्मा विदधातु देव ॥
" Oh Lord I make myself such that I may have love for all beings, pleasure at the sight of
1 भवबीजाङ्कुरजनना रागाद्याः क्षयमुपागता यस्य । ब्रह्मा वा विष्णुर्वी हरो जिनो वा नमस्तस्मै ॥
बुद्धस्त्वमेव विबुधाचितबुद्धिबोधात् त्वं शंकरोऽसि भुवनत्रयशंकरत्वात् । . धाताऽसि धीर ! शिवमार्गविधेविधानाद् -
व्यक्तं त्वमेव भगवन् ! पुरुषोत्तमोऽसि ॥ 3 मा कार्षीत् कोऽपि पापानि, मा च भूत् कोऽपि दुःखितः ।
मुच्यतां जगदप्येषा मतिमैत्री निगद्यते ॥
May none commit sin, may none be unhappy and may the entire universe attain liberation. Such a reflection is called Maitri.
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