many and the many are one and the same is shown to be consistent by Syadvada.
Heart of Jainism
Now the last point that I shall touch upon is the heart of Jainism. First of all, I shall refer to the definition of Jainism as given by Haribhadrasuri. According to him, that religion of which Syadvada is the central doctrine, where there is no room for partiality and of which non-injury to living beings is the highest principle is called Jainism.* This definition of Jainism itself will point out that Jainism is far from being sectarian and that the impartial attitude so very prominent in Jainism shines out here in full effulgence.
As already mentioned, this religion is open to all-to all living beings. Even women are allowed to read and study the scriptures-a fact absent in some other religions which debar the women and the lowborn from studying the sacred lore. + Not only does Jainism permit any and every one to study the holy books but it goes a step forward and proclaims that any one--whatsoever he may be-a male or a female, a Jaina or a non- Jaina is entitled to attain liberation, if he only cares to gain right knowledge and acts up to it.
The impartial attitude- the desire for truth- of
* स्याद्वादो वर्तते यस्मिन् पक्षपातो न विद्यते । नास्त्यन्यपीडनं किञ्चित् जनधर्मः स उच्यते ॥
+ Cf - श्रीशूद्र। नाधीयते ।
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