Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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A Note on tena tyaktena bhuñjithaḥ
M. A. Mehendale
This third quarter of the first verse of the Isopanisat has been interpreted in at least two different ways. RADHAKRISHNAN translates it as "Therefore find your enjoyment in renunciation" and adds in his note: "enjoy through tyaga, or renunciation of selfwill. Enjoy all things by renouncing the idea of a personal proprietary relationship to them." He thus partly follows SANKARA who equates tyaktena with tyagena. DEUSSEN" has given a similar interpretation, except that he does not take tena to mean 'therefore, but as referring to jagat. "Wer ihm entsagt, geniesst wahrhaft". DEUSSEN remarks in his introductory note: "In diesem Verzichten auf die vielheitliche Welt liegt der wahre Genuss
........, nicht in dem Trachten nach fremdem Gute." HUME follows him in content: "With this renounced, thou mayest enjoy".
RADHAKRISHNAN, in his notes on the passage, refers to a second interpretation : "Sometimes this passage is interpreted as meaning: enjoy what is allotted to you by God (tena). Do not ask for more than what is given". This second interpretation seems to refer to the view of MADIIVA. B. D. BASU, who follows his commentary, renders the line as "Enjoy thou what He hath allotted to thee, and do not beg from any (though he be a king), for wealth."
The second interpretation is no doubt more acceptable. The use of the verb bhuj. with instrumental is not found in later Sanskrit. PANINI (2.3.18-27 : also B. LIEBICH, BB 10. 217-220, 1886) does not mention it. But this use is not seldom in the Rgveda" and the Vedic prose. E.g. We find, sásrad hi rah sudanava adit yız utibhir tayám / purd nūnán bubhujmáhe "Denn immer wieder
I The Principal Upanişads, p. 567. ? Sechzig Upanishad's des Veda, p. 524. 3 The Thirteen Principal Upanishads, p. 362. + The Sacred Books of the Hindus, Vol. I, p. 3.
• For the use of bhuj. with instrumental, cf. H. WENZEL, UEBER den Inatrumentalis im Rgveda (1879), p. 83, DELBRUCK, Altindische Syntax (1888), pp. 132-133; SPEIJER, Sanskrit Syntax (1886), 74.9 remark, p. 56; GRASSMANN, Wörterbuch zum Roueda and BR, Wörterbuch s.v. Bhaj More examples also can be found under these references.
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