Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Annals BORI, LXVI (1985)
ERICH FRAUWALLNER NACHGELASSENE WERKE, Vol. I Aufsätze, Beiträge, Skizzen: edited by Ernst Steinkellner, publi shed by Die Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 1984.
After the death of Prof. Frauwallner on July 5, 1974, his literary Nachlass was first handed over to the editor and next it was gifted to the Institut für Tibetologie und Buddhismuskunde of the University of Vienna. This Nachlass, the editor informs us, consists mainly of four parts: 1. Materialsammlungen, 2. Arbeitstexte, 3. Übersetzungen, and 4. Darstellungen. It is not the intension of the editor to publish Frauwallner's entire Nachlass. What will be published would be chiefly those texts which Frauwallner himself had finally intended to publish. This will be done in three volumes.
Volume I, which is already published, contains the following titles: I Über den geschichtlichen Wert der alten ceylonesischen (pp. 7-33), 11 Der ursprüngliche Anfang der Vaišeşika-Sütren chroniken (35-41), III Der Navyanyayah (43-36), IV Der Navyanyayah, ein Artikel für das "Wörter buch der Philosophie (57-61), V Geschichte der indischen Philosophie, IV Band, Nachgelassene Skizzen (63-133): J. Erkenntnistheorie und Logik der klassi schen Zeit (66-87), 2. Tantrayuktayah (88-92), 3. Sprachtheorie (93-119), 4. Mimämsä (120-122), 5. [Sprachtheorie des Vṛttikara ]1 (123-124), 6. Kumārila (125-126), 7. Dharmakirti (127-133).
Each of the titles is preceded by the Editor's prefatory remarks which contain useful details. In the text proper the Editor has not made any changes except completing the incomplete references and partly modifying the references to literature since Frauwallner had often used editions not easily accessible today.
The present volume will be followed by one containing "Texte indischer Philosophie in Übersetzung" to be edited by Gerhard Oberhammer. and a third one containing select "Vorarbeiten und unvollendete Skizzen " meant for the first part of the third volume of the "Geschichte der Indischen Philosophie" which should have dealt with the rise of the Hinayana system. Apparently the third volume will be edited by the editor of the present volume.
1 The title is supplied by the Editor.
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