Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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PAUL THIEME KLEINE SCHRIFTEN (Glasenapp-Stiftung Band 5) Ed. by Georg Buddru's; pub, by Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden; 1st ed. 1971, 2nd ed. 1984 (unaltered, but with an added Supple. ment 1984 to Bibliography: p. xvi); Pp. xvi +813;
KLEINE SCHRIFTEN II (Glasenapp Stiftung Band 5 II) Ed, by Renate Söhnen-Thieme; pub. by Franz Steiner Verlag Stuttgart; 1995; Fp. ix + 815-2178.
Paul Thieme's contributions, as pointed out by G. Buddruss in his Vorwort to the first of the above two Volumes, pertain to two main spheres: Veda and the Sanskrit grammatical tradition. He has emphasized three characteristics of Thieme's Vedic writings: richness in brilliant ideas, uniforms clarity, and strictness in methodical execution. As to Thime's writings in the sphere of grammar, Buddruss points out that Thieme's interpretation of Indian grammarians and his valuation of their procedure culminate in attem. pts o arrive at a comparative and historical understanding of the development of grammatical scholasticism in India.
Thieme's writings included in these Volumes are such as have not appear. d in book form or as longer dissertations. A few of his total writings have been omitted and the selection made by the editor has met with the approval of Thieme. The editor's wish, expressed in the first Volume, that Thieme should be able to write more articles after the publication of that Volume, has been amply fulfilled as can be seen from the publication of the second Volume of his Kleine Schriften within twentyfive years of the appearance of the first one.
The first Volume gives a Bibliography of Thieme's writings up to about 1970, which at the same time serves as the List of Contents of that Volume. It has two following divisions: 1. Monographs (which are not included in the volume). 2. Articles: (A) Veda exegesis and Word studies (only one of the listed articles is omitted, but it appears in the second volume noticed below), (B) Miscellaneous contributions to Cultural and Religious History (a few of those listed are omitted), (C) Saskrit Grammar (a couple of those listed are omitted), (D) Various Articles (none of the five listed are included). (E). Appreciations (four, not included), (F) Reviews (of the 55 reviews listed, a dozen are included; all these have appeared after 1951 ).
Jain Education International
Two of these monographs: (1) Der Fremdling Im Bgveda (with Exkurs: Ari "Fremder"), and (2) Mitra and Aryaman are now published together in Paul Thieme: Opera Ma ora Band I edited by W. Knobl and N. Kobayaski. Hōzōkan Publi. shing Co., Kyoto, Japan, 1995. The editors hope to publish if not all, at least some of Thieme's remaining monographs in future Volumes of Opera-Maiora,
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