Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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Annals BORI, LXVII ( 1986)
tai huru / salyanāmā bhara soka mama sokavināšanat 1/ 3.61. 102 (also 3. 61.99); growing on mountain 3.61.38; on mountain Gandhamadana 3. 155. 47; Sveta mountain full of their woods 3. 220.23; found in the liermitage of Rşyasraga 3. 111, 16; asokagrove ( vanika ) ia Laika where Sia was held captive by Rāvana
3. 264.41; 3. 263.3; 3. 273. 27. asrantha 'fig trees', growing in the forest 3. 61.3; on the Gandhamadana
m. 3. 155.12; was to be embraced by Satyavati's mother to get a
son 3. 115. 23. anulaka -'myrobalan trees', growing in the forest 3. 61. 4; on the Gandha.
mådana mt. 3. 155. 42; its ripe fruit offered by R$yasriga to the
couriczaa 3. 111. 12. ūmra - mango trees,' growing in the forest 3. 61.4; on the Gandhamadana
Int. 3. 155.40; in bloom at the end of summer in the Dvaitavana
3. 25. 17; mango groves on the river Narmada in Avanti 3. 87. 2. Amravetasa -mango-canc' (R), growing on the Gandhamadana mt. 3.
155. 41. umråtako 'hog.plum', on the Gandhamaldan: mit. 3. 155.40. Trigundu - trecs, growing in the forest 3.61. 3; on the Gandhainadana mt,
3. 155.43; grow on the banks of Sar.svati 3. 174.23; its rips fruit
offered by Rsyasriga to thic courtean 3. 111. 12. Indt rara bluc lotus ', found on the Gandham dana mt. 3. 155.4). işlka - roed', thrown by Ränna at the crow 3. 266. 67. upala - blue lotus', in the lakes and rivers on the Gandhamadana mt.
3. 155. 49, 67; on the Malyavant mt., ils fragrance smelt by Rāma 3. 266. 3; in the lake lampa 3. 264. 1; in a similc ( lotuscs shattered
in a fight between the elephants ) 3. 12. 43. udumbara - frces, growing in the forest 3. 61.4; on thc Gandhamádana mt.
3.155-42; was to be cmbraced by Satyavail to get a son 3. 115. 23. oşadhi — plants' (general). when the suo enters the carth and takes the
form of a field, the moon (lit. the lord of the plants) produces the plants with heavenly heat turned water and her rays; described as
having six flavours ( şadrasah),' sacrificial' (medhyāh); they
form the food of the living beings 3. 3. 7-8. kanaka - 'thorn', 3. 282. 5: nihutakanļaka- (free from opponents ), a
mode of expression 3. 294.11.
* B. of the six flowers (a misprint?)
Madhu Vidyā/438
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