Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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MÉHENDALË : Fauna iñi the Aranyakaparvan of the MBh.
cakravāka- a river filled with their sounds 3. 61. 108; in the regions near
Himavant 3. 175, 7; in the rivers and lakes on Gandhamādana 3. 150. 26; 155, 50,
*camara- . Yak', chowrie (cānara ) made from their bushy tails mentioned
3. 240, 42. chāga- goat', Vätāpi turned into a goat 3, 94, 8; the sixth bead of Skanda is
of a goat 3.217. 12 (Visakha called chăgamukha 3. 217.3 or chāga
vaktra 3,217,11). jalaku kkuța- water fowl, on Himavant 3. 107.7, the in lakes on Gandha
mādana 3. 155, 50. jivaka- insect '(B.), Dadhica's āśrama full of their sounds 3.98. 13. jivajivaka- pheasant', on Himavant 3. 107, 8, 175, 7; on Gandhamādana
3,155, 74 ( described as raktapitārunāḥ. red, yellow and ruddy'). haşe- large fish' ( dolphin B.), found in river 3. 61. 108; in ocean 3. 99. 17.
in southern Ocean 3. 266. 44; large fish with elephant's faces (gaja
vaktra) appear at the release of raudra astna 3. 170. 45. Cf. timi. jhillikām . cricket', forest full of their sounds 3. 61.1. tarakşı- wolf'chased by Duryodhana and others in Dvaitavana 3, 229, 10;
killed by Bhima on Gandhamādana 3. 146. 48. tittir;- partridge', for comparison, horses speckled ( kalmāşa) like tittiri birds
3. 79. 24. Cf. cakora
timi- fabulous-sized fish', found in southern ocean 3. 266. 44; the makara og
Pradyumna's banner called sarvalimipramäthi 3. 18. 7. Cf. jhasa,
timingilatimingila- fabulous-sized fish' (lit. 'swallower of timi' seen by Arjuna in
ocean 3. 166. 3. Cf. jhasa-, timi..
timitimingila- seen by Arjuna in ocean 3. 166. 3.
damsa - stinging insect', become excited (matta in rainy season 3. 179. 4;
region around the asrama of Nara and Närāyana free from them 3. 145, 20, one not restrained (aniyata ) meets them on Gandhamādana 3. 142, 27. Cf. masaka..
1. moor cook'B. 2 'water cockerel B.
Madhu Vidya/453
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