Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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18. उपस्थदघ्न upasthadaghna genital high' उपस्थदघ्नं स्त्रियाः ( श्मशानं कुर्यात् ) "(the burial mound) of a woman (should be made) genital-high' Sat. Br. See जननदन्न, स्फिगुदघ्न.
19, rudaghna (i) thigh-deep (water) CERCA: WCCIAN... ...ed: the first svarasaman day (i. e. one of the three days preceding the fa) is (like) thigh- deep (water, as compared to the second and the third svarasäman days which are said to be like knee-deep and ankle-deep water)...... (with sâmans in the reversed order) the third (svarasaman day) is (like) thigh -deep (water, while the second and the first are knee-deep and ankle-deep)' Sat Br. 12.2 1.3. In the later literature is mostly used with reference to the depth of water. ऊरुदन्नं जलम् Harivar C 8324 बारि विगाहमानं...... रामा जनमूरुदघ्नम् Jānakīha 3.34; ऊरुदघ्नेन पयसेोत्तीर्य सिप्रां Kadam. 249.14; depth of the thick dust as fafaga Rävaṇári. 16.51; ऊरुदघ्नी (fem.) कृत्वो रुदघ्नीं रिपुरक्त कुल्यां Rāvanārj. 14.6.
(ii) 'thigh-high'si kazza ( znani gaia) Sat. Br. Hiranya.
Pity, 29.5.
20. कक्षदन haksadaghna armpit deep water ) ' ( अन्त्यं वा साम) कक्षदने (उद तिष्ठन् प्रयुञ्जानः ) पशून् ( जुषते ) ( or one who employs the last sāman i. e. the last verse of the E = 1. 1. 1. 8. while standing) in armpit-deep (water) obtains cattle' Samavidhāna Br. 3. 2. 9. See 34, SITE
21. कण्ठदन hanthadaghna ( i ) neck-deep (water) य॒थोपपचदं वा कण्ठदष्नं वा यतो fifa as after resting in a place (where water is) armpit-deep or neckdeep, whence they swim (in deeper water) Sat. Br.,4; Gopatha Br. 1.5.2. पुथोपपद या कण्ठदं वा यतो विभ्रम्योत्क्रामन्ति ( उत्क्रामन्ति = they gradually come up in water) Sat. Br.; यथोपपचदं यतो विभ्रम्योत्स्नांति ( उत्स्मान्ति they finish swimming, they come out of water) Sat. Br. 12.2.1 5. In later classical literature कण्ठदप्न is recorded with reference to water depth असस्रोतस्विनीनामजनि कुमधाकुण्ठकं कण्ठदष्नम् Haravi; 45.55; कण्टदष्ने पयखि Nalabhyu 6.59a; कण्ठदघ्नमवगाहते Unmattarā 69. ( i ); वारिणि कण्ठदने Rasagangā. 387.9.
व्युदस्तामाया मौवामिह कण्ठदनीम्
(ii) कण्ठदनी (fem.) 'neck-high' बेम्बोर्युगेनोभयतो Rasasadana 201. See ग्रीवदघ्न and ग्रोवादन.
22. karnadaghna ear-high ' (a) tha' (Prajapati) raised it (fire) ear-high' Maitra 1.6.6. Apa. Sr. 5.14.8; Hira. Śr. 3.4.18; Vārā. Śr.,14; Mäna. Śr.
23. en hulphadaghna (i) a. ankle-deep (water) 4: (FRA) the third (svarasäman i. e. one of the three days preceding the Madhu Vidya/83
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