Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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the sun moves in water, his vehicle must be one to be used on water. The verse apparently refers to the sun's coming out of the stony receptacle in which he dwells at night. 28
(3) a yó mardhanath pitror árabdha ný adhvaré dadhire süro árab 10.8.3 "(Agni) who touched the head of the parents, they placed the floods of the sun (light) (viz. the Agni who had gone to the heaven) in the vehicle." Agni when gone to heaven is identified with the sun moving in his vehicle on the waters.
(4) úrjó nápătam adhvaré didivamsam úpa dyávi 3.27.12 "(Agni) the son of strength, shining in the vehicle, near the heaven". Here also Agni, when near the heaven, is identified with the sun shining in his vehicle. This Agni who is said to be in his adhvará is called aptúr "crossing the water" in the preceding verse.
In the Nividadhyaya (Khila 5.5.1) occurs the expression rathir adhvaranam. The Ait. Br. 10.2 while commenting on this refers this passage to the sun. If the sun is called the charioteer of the vehicles then, considering the fact that his daily course lics through the water, adhvará must refer to the vehicles on the water. 30
Corresponding to rathiyati from rátha we have adhvariyati from adhvará. It is true that adhvariyati in most cases means 'act as an adhvaryu, perform the sacrificial duties. But in 1.23.16 cited above, it clearly means those going in vehicles, and in the context of water, in boats. Similarly the form adhvaryati, also derived from adhvarå, means 'going in a boat in 1.181, lb adhvaryántā yád unninithó apam which is addressed to Asvins. As pointed out by Geldner the line alludes to the legend of Rebha who, as mentioned in 1.116.24, was rescued from the waters by the Aśvina. Hence 1.181. lb is to be understood as "when (you i. e. the Asvina) took (him) out of the waters while going in your bout".
The primary meaning of adhvará then may be said to be a conveyance to go on water, a boat and then it also means 'a vehicle on land (or air if referring to gods). Secondarily it means sacrifice.
Katantra Unadi 6.59: Sarasvatikanthābharana 2.1.283; Prakriyasarvasva 4.126.
IF 3. 201 f (1894), 8. 180 ff (1898)
Pisani IF 58.254 f. (1942), Mayrhofer KEW 1.32; in Walde-Pokorny' 1. 130 and in Alt. Gr. II. 2. 717b uncertainty is indicated regarding this relationship. Pokorny, Indogerm. Etym. Wörterbuch 40-41, records it. under andh, anedh (zero grade ndh) 'hervorstechen, spriessen, bluhen' although there is a difference in the meaning.
Madhu Vidya/94
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