Book Title: Madhuvidya
Author(s): S D Laddu, T N Dharmadhikari, Madhvi Kolhatkar, Pratibha Pingle
Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad
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reale Welt, Realität. (e) Norm, Gesetz, Recht; sténa mit Fug und Recht. (f) Gerechtigkeit, Rechtlichkeit, Redlichkeit. (8) Wahrheit, Aufrichtitgkeit, Wahrheitsliebe. (h) Eid. (i) der rechte Glaube, frommer Sinn, lauterer Gedanke und jede Betätigung des rechten Glaubens, frommer Brauch, rechtschaffner, heiliger Wandel, das Rechte, das rechte Tun, gutes Werk; jedes religiöse Gesetz, (Gebot); insbesondere der regelmässige Gottesdienst, die richtige Opferzeit and Opferordnung, Ritus; Gebet und Opfer. (k) ştásya sádas - sádana, sádman. (1) die Stätte des Glaubens, Opferbaus, Opferstätte, (m) der
unsichtbare Teil des Himmels (der spätere satyaloka)." 2. Bergaigne, La Religion Védique (MM Roth et Grassmann ne craig
nent pas, pour simplifier le sens des hymnes, de compliquer souvent le vocabulaire : j'essaie au contraire de rétablir la simplicité dans le vocabulaire en admettant la complexité dans les idées (Vol. I
pp. iv-v). 3. Études sur le Lexique du Rig-Veda I. 4. Op. cit. p. 105. 5. JAOS 77.51 ff. (1957). 6. Op. cit. p. 54. 7. JAOS 77.55. Thieme hastens to add "one single expression" does
not mean "one single word". But the different words must center round one single idea ....." He, for example, finds it permissible
to translate Sk. gada as 'sickaess, illness, disease'. 8. Geldner in his later translation has completely given up this meaning 9. KZ 46. 26-35 (1914). 10. In the Alt. Gr. the word is given different meanings at different
places. Thus "Wange" II 1 p. 121, 294, "Backe" p. 299; "Visier" p. 296, 297 (for this latter, correction "Schnurrbart" occurs in the
Nachträge to II 1 p. 82; "Schnurrbart" II 2 p. 329, 407, 875. 11. To which Mahldhara and Uvata, who have the same explanation
to offer as Sayana, add 'well purified' (supūtas ca) while com
menting on VS 9.4. 12. Also RV 8.7.25 : (of Maruts) vidyúddhastă abhidyavah si prāḥ
sirpán hiranyáyih/ subhrd vyànjata śriyel 13. But Geldner : "an den Häuptern dehnen sich die goldenen Zahn
reihen(?) aus." 14. Twice susipra. 15. MSL 8.482 16. Prof. Velankar Comm. Volume, 80. 17. The available lexicons have, in fact, only this meaning on record.
MW, e.g. gives : "moving about in woods, wandering in a forest or
wilderness, a savage, a thief-robber Nigh." 18. Agni is often called a bull or is compared with a bull in the RV. 19. For details of interpretation see my paper on vanargú, Velankar
Comm. Vol. pp. 77-78. Suffice to say here that I interpret vanargů as acc. dual and translate the line as "(The two arms) have held fast (the two churning sticks with ten fingers) as two brigands, risking
Madhu Vidya/391
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