Finally, consider one implication of Fr. E's reconstructions. As for him. self he is convinced that his suggestions make the Samhită text "infinitely better 63 because they bring to the available text metrical and rhythmic regularity, archaic orthoepy and grammaticality, better word order and logicality. Now if by some means, more solid than what I have tried to present today, it is proved beyond doubt that the SK has really not altered the text of the kavis, then it would mean that in the opinion of Fr. E the text presented by him is far superior to the one composed by rsi --kavis themselves.
I am not sure my arguments will convince Father E. and that he will withdraw all his suggetions. But the picture, happily, is not altogether without its sil. ver lining. On the one hand we note with gratitude that Fr. E does have a few good words for the SK. He calls the Samhita-Kāras "master-builders of the Rgvedic tradition " and "towering giants, not only in the religious-cultural aspect but also in the linguistic-literary one." And, on the other, he has stated on occasions that his text-critical observations are only provisional. He has shown Courage to withdraw some of his earlier restorations in favour of the received text. As late as 1969 he has gone to the extent of admitting that even the kavis themselves have already set the example 10 implying thereby, I presume, that the kavis themselves have, in some cases at least, composed metrically irregular pādas. I shall therefore overlook for the time being his assertion that "..... the vast majority (of restorations ) have already reached the stage of text - critical definitiveness that shall not be in need of revision.... "1 or his pronouncements, made with supreme confidence : "...there can be not the slightest text-critical doubt that the restored form.... is and can only be the original Rgveda which underlies the SK's Samhitā-palimpsest...,' and request Fr. E to give up his role of a "modern text-critical detective" which he has taken up in order " to follow the trail of their (i.e. SKs') innovations, crack their redactorial code, and with growing certainty unmask their well-meant but disfiguring "improvements."69 I appeal to him to be quick in his "readiness for self-correction": and pray to him objectively to evaluate this humble criticism -I shall not say from "a fellow scholar" but--from his one time pupil, a fact which I restate with a feeling of respect for the learned Father.
Thank You.
56 IA (3rd Series) 2.1.14. 50 ABORI 50-21. 60 ABORI 50.20. 61 ABORI Golden Jub. Vol. 16. 62 ABORI 50.15. 88 ABORI 50. 39-40.
Madhu Vidyā/136
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