55 the same, yet reflecting through the different mental modifications, and commanded by whom the organs and Prânas perform their functions.
['Innermost Self-Vide Bri. III. iv and elsewhere. Reflecting &c.-Compare Kena II. 12.
sCommanded &c.See the opening Sloka of the same Upanishad and the reply given to it later on.]
अत्रैव सत्वात्मनि धीगुहाया
मव्याकृताकाश उशत्प्रकाशः। भाकाश उच्चै रविषत्प्रकाशते
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132. In this very body, in the mind full of Sattva, in the secret chamber of the intellect, in the Akasa known as the Unmanifested, the Atman, of charming splendour, shines like the sun aloft, manifesting this universe through its own effulgence.
[This Sloka gives a hint as to where to look in for the Atman. First of all there is the gross body; within this there is the mind or "inner organ," of which Buddhi or intelligence, characterised by determination, is the most developed form; within Buddhi again, pervading it, is the causal body known as the Unmanifested. We must seek the Atman inside this. The idea is that the Atman transcends all the three bodies in fact the whole sphere of duality and materiality. The word 'Akasa' often occurs in the Sruti in the sense of Atman or Brahman.