काले यथा कल्पकवत्सराय
णदियो निष्फलनिर्विकल्पे ॥४७॥ 497. Such ideas as gross and so forth are erroneously imagined in me by people through the manifestation of things superimposed, -just is in the indivisible and absolute time, cycles, years, half-years, seasons, etc., are imagined.
[Cycles-the period of duration of the universe. ]
आरोपितं नाश्रयदूषकं भवे
कदापि मूरतिदोषदूषितैः। नार्दीकरोत्यूषरभूमिभाग indi.com
मरीचिकावारिमहाप्रवाहः॥ ४९८॥ 498. That which is superimposed by the grossly ignorant fools can never taint the substratum: The great rush of waters observed in a mirage never wets the desert tracts.
मादित्यवद्भास्यविलक्षणोऽहम् । महार्यवभित्यविनिश्चलोऽह
भोधिवत्पारविवर्जितोऽहम् ॥ ४ ॥ 499. I am beyond contamination like the sky; I am distinct from things illumined, like