502. For me who am always the same and devoid of parts, there is neither engaging in work nor cessation from it. How can that which is One, concentrated,' without break, and infinite like the sky, ever exert?
1Concentrated-like a lump of salt which consists of nothing but salt. ]
पुण्यानि पापानि निरिन्द्रियस्य निश्चेतसो निर्विकृतेर्निराकृतेः ।
कुतो ममाखण्डसुखानुभूते- .
dà ancmafuefa gia: || 403 ||
503. WHow can n there be merits and demerits for me who am without organs, without mind, changeless, and formless,-who am the realisation of Bliss Absolute? The Sruti1 also mentions this in the passage, "Not touched, etc."
[1Sruti &c.-Brihadâranyaka Upa., IV. iii. 22—(In the state of profound sleep a man becomes) "Untouched by merits and untouched by demerits, for he is then beyond all the afflictions of the heart." It may be added here that the experience of the Sushupta state is cited in the Sruti merely as an illustration of the liberated state, which is the real state of the Atman, beyond all misery. Vide Sankara's commentary on the chapter. ]
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