VIVEKACHUDAMANI . I9I . देहेन्द्रियादौ कर्तव्ये ममाहंभाववर्जितः।
औदासीन्येन यस्तिष्ठेत्स जीवन्मुक्तलक्षणः॥ ४३६ ॥ । 436. He who lives unconcerned, devoid of all ideas of 'I' and 'mine' with regard to the body and the organs, etc., as well as to his duties, is known as a man liberated-in-life.
[The Jnani is free from egoism or Abhimana, though he may be intensely active. This state is hinted at in this Sloka. ]
विज्ञात आत्मनो यस्य ब्रह्मभावः श्रुतेर्बलात् ।
भवबन्धविनिर्मुक्तः स जीवन्मुक्तलक्षणः ॥ ४३७ ॥ ____437. He who has realised his Brahmanhood aided' by the scriptures, and is free from the bondage of transmigration, is known as a man liberated-in-life.
[ Aided &c. --By discriminating the Truth inculcated by the scriptures. ]
देहेन्द्रियेष्वहंभाव इदंभावस्तदन्यके ।
यस्य नो भवतः क्वापि स जीवन्मुक्त इष्यते ॥ ४३८ ॥ 438. He who never has the idea of 'I' with regard to the body and the organs, etc., nor that of 'it' in respect of things other than these, is accepted as one liberated-in-life.
न प्रत्यग्ब्रह्मणोर्मेंदं कदापि ब्रह्मसर्गयोः । प्रक्षया यो विजानाति स जीवन्मुक्तलक्षणः ॥ ४३६ ॥ '