442. For one who has realised the Truth of Brahman there is no more attachment to senseobjects as before: If there is, that man has not realised his identity with Brahman, but is one' whose senses are outgoing in their tendency.
[ 1Is one &c.-is an ordinary sense-bound man. ]
प्राचीनवास नावेगादसौ संसरतीति चेत् ।
न, सदेकत्व विज्ञानान्मन्दीभवति वासना ॥ ४४३ ॥
443. If it be urged that he is still attached to sense-objects through the momentum of his old desires, the reply is-no, for desires get weakened through the realisation of one's identity with Brahman.niHindi.com
अत्यन्तकामुकस्यापि वृत्तिः कुण्ठति मातरि ।
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444. The propensities of even a confirmed libertine are checked in the presence of his mother; just so, when Brahman, the Bliss Absolute, has been realised, the man of realisation has no longer any worldly tendency.
निदिध्यासनशीलस्य बाह्यप्रत्यय ईक्ष्यते ।
ब्रवीति श्रुतिरेतस्य प्रारब्धं फलदर्शनात् ॥ ४४५ ॥
445. One who is constantly practising meditation is observed to have external perceptions.'
http://www.Apni Hindi.com