"Mere talk-on the lips of others, who are ignorant: Compare Chhandogya VI. i. 4-" All modifications are mere names and efforts of speech," etc. ]
मसत्कल्पो विकल्पोऽयं विश्वमित्येकवस्तुनि |
निर्विकारे निराकारे निर्विशेषे भिदा कुतः ॥ ३६६ ॥
399. In the One Entity (Brahman) the conception of the universe is a mere phantom. Whence can there be any diversity in That which is changeless, formless and Absolute ?
द्रष्टृदर्शन दृश्यादिभावशून्यैकवस्तुनि ।
निर्विकारे निराकारे निर्विशेषे भिदा कुतः ॥ ४०० ॥
400. In the One Entity devoid of the concepts of seer,' seeing and seen,-which is changeless, formless and Absolute,-whence can there be any diversity ?
[ 1Seer &c.-of which the phenomenal world consists. ]
कल्पार्णव इवात्यन्तपरिपूर्णेकवस्तुनि ।
निर्विकारे निराकारे निर्विशेषे भिदा कुतः ॥ ४०१ ॥
401. In the One Entity which is changeless, formless, and Absolute, and is perfectly full and motionless like the ocean after the dissolution of the universe, whence can there be any diversity?
तेजसीव तमो यत्र प्रलीनं भ्रान्तिकारणम् । अद्वितीये परे तत्त्वे निर्विशेषे भिदा कुतः ॥ ४०२ ॥