[This Sloka refers to the six states, enumerated by Yaska, which overtake every being, such as birth, existence, etc. The Atman is above all change.]
प्रकृतिविकृतिभिन्नः शुद्धबोधस्वभावः
सदसविदमशेष भासयनिर्विशेषः। विलसति परमात्मा जाग्रदादिष्ववस्था
स्वहमहमिति साक्षात्साक्षिरूपेण बुद्धेः॥ १३५॥ 135. The Supreme Self, different from the Prakriti' and its modifications, of the essence of Pure Knowledge, and Absolute, directly manifests this entire gross and subtle universe, in the waking and other states, as the substratum of the persistent sense of egoism, and manifests Itself as the Witness of Buddhi, the determinative faculty.
["Prakriti—the Mother of the entire manifested universe.
PGross and. subtle universe-the world of matter and thought.
Witness of Buddhi-all actions that we seem to be doing are really done by Buddhi, while the Self ever stands aloof, the only Absolute Entity.] नियमितमनसामं त्वं स्वमात्मानमात्म
न्ययमहमिति साक्षाद्विद्धि बुद्धिप्रसादात् । जनिमरणतरंगापारसंसारसिन्धु
प्रतर भव कृतार्थों ब्रह्मरूपेण संस्थः ॥ १३६ ॥