पक्कं मनो ब्रह्मणि लीयते यदा । तदा समाधिः सविकल्पवर्जितः
स्वतोऽद्वयानन्दरसानुभावकः ॥ ३६२॥ 362. When the mind, thus purified by constant practice, is merged in Brahman, then the Samâdhi passes on from the Savikalpa to the Nirvikalpa stage, and leads directly to the realisation of the Bliss of Brahman, the One without a second. समाधिनाऽनेन समस्तवासना-di. com
प्रन्थेविनाशोऽखिलकर्मनाशः।। अन्तर्बहिः सर्वत एव सर्वदा
स्वरूपविस्फूर्तिरयत्नतः स्यात् ॥ ३६३॥ 363. By this Samadhi are destroyed all desires which are like knots, all (binding effect of) work is at an end, and inside and out there takes place everywhere and always the spontaneous manifestation of one's real nature.
श्रुतेः शतगुणं विद्यान्मननं मननादपि । निदिध्यासं लक्षगुणमनन्तं निविकल्पकम् ॥ ३६४॥
364. Reflection should be considered a hundred times superior to hearing, and medita