tion a hundred thousand times superior to reflection even, but the. Nirvikalpa Samadhi is simply infinite' in its results.
[ Infinite &c.-And therefore bears no comparison with them. ] निर्विकल्पसमाधिना स्फुटं
ब्रह्मतत्त्वमवगम्यते ध्रुवम् । नान्यथा चलतया मनोगतेः
प्रत्ययान्तरविमिश्रितं भवेत् ॥ ३६५॥ 365. By the Nirvikalpa Samadhi the truth of Brahman is clearly and definitely realised, but not otherwise, for then the mind, being unstable by nature, is apt to be mixed up with other perceptions. मतः समाधत्स्व यतेन्द्रियः स
निरन्तरं शान्तमनाः प्रतीचि। विध्वंसय ध्वान्तमनाद्यविद्यया
कृतं सदेकत्वविलोकनेन ॥ ३६६ ॥ 366. Hence with the mind calm and the senses controlled, always drown the mind in the Paramâtman who is within, and through the realisation of thy identity with Brahman destroy the darkness created by Nescience which is without beginning.