पतमच्छिाया वृत्या प्रत्ययान्तरशून्यया । उल्लेखयन्विजानीयात्स्वस्वरूपतया स्फुटम् ॥ ३८१ ॥
381. Reflecting on this Atman continuously and without any foreign thought intervening, one must distinctly realise It to be one's real Self.
अत्रात्मत्वं गुढीकुर्वन्नहमादिषु संत्यजन् । उदासीनतया तेषु तिष्ठेत्स्फुटघटादिवत् ॥ ३८२ ॥ 382. Strengthening one's identification with This, and giving up that with egoism and the „rest, one must live without any concern for them, as if they were trifling things, like a cracked jar or the like. विशुद्धमन्तःकरणं स्वरूपे
निवेश्य साक्षिण्यवबोधमात्रे। शनैः शनैर्निश्चलतामुपानयन्
पूर्ण स्वमेवानुविलोकयेत्ततः ॥३८३ ॥ 383. Fixing the purified mind in the Self, the Witness, the Knowledge Absolute, and slowly
making it still, one must then realise one's own infinite Self. देहेन्द्रियप्राणमनोहमादिभिः