महं ममोत यो भावो देहाक्षादावनात्मान ।
अभ्यासोऽयं निरस्तव्यो विदुषा स्वात्मनिष्ठया ॥२६८॥ 268. The idea of 'me and mine' in the body and organs, etc., which are non-Self, this superimposition the wise one must put a stop to, by identifying oneself with the Atman.
शात्वा स्वं प्रत्यगात्मानं बुद्धितवृत्तिसाक्षिणम् । सोऽहमित्येव सद्वृत्याऽनात्मन्यात्ममति जहि ॥ २६६ ॥
269. Realising thy own Inmost Self, the Witness of the Buddhi and its modifications, and constantly revolving the positive thought, 'I am He,' conquer this identification with the non-Self.
लोकानुवर्तनं त्यक्ता त्यक्ता देहानुवर्तनम् ।
शास्त्रानुवर्तनं त्यक्ता स्वाभ्यासापनयं कुरु ॥२७० ॥ 270. Relinquishing the observance of social formalities, giving up all ideas of trimming up the body, and avoiding too much engrossment with the scriptures, do away with the superimposition that has come upon thyself.
लोकवासनया जन्तोः शास्त्रवासनयापि च । देहवासनया शानं यथावन्नैव जायते ॥ २१ ॥
271. Owing to the desire to walk after society, the passion for too much study of the