155 'नित्याद्वयाखण्डचिदेकरूपो
बुद्धयादिसाक्षी सदसद्विलक्षणः । अहंपदप्रत्ययलक्षितार्थः
प्रत्यक्सदानन्दघनः परात्मा ॥ ३५१॥ 351. The Paramâtman is ever of the nature of eternal, indivisible knowledge, one without a second, the Witness of Buddhi and the rest, distinct from the gross and subtle, the implied meaning of the term and idea "I," the embodiment of inward, eternal bliss.
[ 'Implied meaning—divesting it of its accidental conditions of time and circumstances. See note on Sloka 247. ]
इत्थं विपश्चित्सदसद्विभज्य
निश्चित्य तत्त्वं निजबोधद्दष्टया । ज्ञात्वा स्वमात्मानमखण्डबोधं
तेभ्यो विमुक्तः स्वयमेव शाम्यति ॥ ३५२ ॥ 352. The wise man, discriminating thus the real and the unreal, ascertaining the Truth' through his eye of illumination, and realising his own Self which is Knowledge Absolute, gets rid of the obstructions and directly attains Peace.
[ ITruth-The identity of Jiva and Brahman. 20bstructions-mentioned in Sloka 347. ]