श्रुतिप्रमाणैकमतेः स्वधर्मfagi adarenfayfaceET | विशुद्धबुद्धेः परमात्मवेदनं
तेनैव संसारसमूलनाशः ॥ १४८ ॥
148. One who is passionately devoted to the authority of the Srutis acquires steadiness in his Svadharma,' which alone conduces to the purity of his mind. The man of pure mind realises the Supreme Self, and by this alone Samsâra with its root is destroyed.
[1Svadharma-lit. one's own duty, or the duty for which we are fit,-which the Gita enjoins on us all to perform, as the way to perfection.
2Root-Ignorance. ]
कोशैरन्नमयाद्यैः पञ्चभिरात्मा न संवृतो भाति । निजशक्तिसमुत्पन्नैः शैवालपटलैरिवाम्बु वापीस्थम् ॥ १४६ ॥
149. Covered by the five sheaths' like the material one and the rest, which are the products of Its own power, the Self ceases to appear, like the water of a tank by its accumulation of sedge.
['Sheaths &c.-See note on Sloka 125.
They are called sheaths as they are coverings over the Atman which manifests Itself through them. From the Annamaya to the Anandamaya the sheaths are gradually finer and finer. Knowledge consists in going