[ Imbedded &c.-The reference is again to the Taittiriya Upa., 2nd chapter, where the five Koshas are spoken of as being similar in shape and one inside the other, the Annamaya or material sheath being the outermost and Anandamaya the innermost. ]
पश्चानामपि कोशानां निषेधे युक्तितः श्रुतेः । तनिषेधावधिः साक्षी बोधरूपोऽवशिष्यते ॥२१०॥
210. When all the five sheaths have been eliminated by the reasoning on Sruti passages, what remains as the culminating point of the process, is the Witness, the Knowledge Absolute, —the Atman.
[1Sruti passages-those that describe the Atman negatively, by the Neti Neti (not this, not this) method.
2Culminating point-beyond which the process of reasoning or analysis cannot go. What takes place then is termed the Aparokshanubhuti, Realisation, and the mind is then said to be in the Samâdhi state. ]
योऽयमात्मा स्वयंज्योतिः पञ्चकोशविलक्षणः । HEFUTTATNI Arafati farcena: 1 सदानन्दः स विशेयः स्वात्मत्वेन विपश्चिता ॥२११ ॥
211. This self-effulgent Atman which is distinct from the five sheaths, the Witness of the three states, the Real, the Changeless, the Untainted,' the everlasting Bliss,-is to be realised by the wise one as one's own Self.