प्रवाहपातं जनयत्यमुष्य ॥ १४६ ॥ 146. This bondage of non-Self springs from ignorance, is self-caused', and is described as without beginning and end. It subjects one to the long train of miseries such as birth and death, disease and decrepitude and so forth.
[Self-caused—not depending upon any other cause.
2 Without end-Relatively speaking. On the realisation of the Self it disappears. ] नास्त्रैर्न शस्त्रैरनिलेन वहिना
छेत्तुं न शक्यो न च कर्मकोटिभिः । विवेकविज्ञानमहासिना विना
EXTTO: Taca fata Asyat 11 280 il 147. This bondage can be destroyed neither by weapons nor by wind, nor by fire, nor by millions of acts?—by nothing except the wonderful sword of knowledge that comes of discrimination, sharpened by the grace of the Lord.
['Acts-enjoined by the scriptures, and done with motives.
Grace &c.-An echo of Katha Upa. I. ii. 20. The Sruti has also a different reading- GERIGTA' -which means ' through the purity of the mind and organs, etc.'This meaning is also suggested here.]