utter ignorance, himself imitates the various states of the Intellect (Buddhi), as that is Its superimposed attribute, and drifts up and down? in this boundless ocean of Samsara3 full of the poison of sense-enjoyment, now sinking, now rising,-a miserable fate indeed!
['Himself imitates &c.—The Self is the real nature of every being, but a mistaken identification with the Buddhi causes him to appear as if he were active. See note 3 on Sloka 135.
2Up and down-Acquiring different bodies such as the angelic or the animal, according to the good or bad deeds performed, and enjoying or suffering therein.
3Samsára—the entire relative existence. ]
र्भानुं तिरोधाय विजृम्भते यथा आत्मोदिताहंकृतिरात्मतत्त्वं
तथा तिरोधाय विजृम्भते स्वयम् ॥ १४२ ॥
142. As layers of clouds, generated by the sun's rays, cover the sun and appear solely (in the sky), so egoism, generated by the Self, covers the reality of the Self and appears solely by itself.
['Solely &c.-as if there were no Atman at all. But the clouds vanish subsequently, and so does egoism too.]