[?Five sheaths &c.-Consisting respectively of Anna (matter), Prana (force), Manas (mind), Vijnana (knowledge) and Ananda (Bliss). The first comprises this body of ours, the next three make up the subtle body (Sukshma Sarira), and the last the causal body (Karana Sarira). The Atman referred to in this Sloka is beyond them all. These Kosas will be dealt with later on.]
यो विजानाति सकलं जाग्रत्स्वमसुषुप्तिषु । बुद्धितवृत्तिसद्भावमभावमहमित्ययम् ॥ १२६ ॥
126. Who knows everything that happens in the waking state, in dream and in profound sleep, is aware of the presence or absence of the mind and its functions, and is the background of the notion of egoism.--This is He. i . com
[This Sloka gives the purport of such Sruti passages as Kena. Upa. I. 6, and Bri. III. iv. 2.]
यः पश्यति स्वयं सवं यन पश्यति कश्चन । यश्वेतयति बुद्धयादि न तद्यं चेतयत्ययम् ॥ १२७ ॥
127. Who Himself sees all, but whom no one beholds, who illumines the Buddhi, etc., but whom they cannot illumine.—This is He.
येन विश्वमिदं व्याप्त यन्न व्यामोति किञ्चन ।
आभारूपमिदं सर्वं यं भान्तमनुभात्ययम् ॥ १२८॥
128. By whom this universe is pervaded, but whom nothing pervades, who shining all this (universe) shines as His reflection.-This is He.