ing on me (This is stated as an alternative to 'your looking on me through your side-long glance').
rjvyā: by what is by nature straight. As a person who has fallen into deep waters comes up catching hold of a straight rope or a stick, so too I shall come out of the ocean of saṁsāra clasping the rope continuously by my hands. Even as the rays of light issuing from the sun or from a lamp gather together in the form of a rope, so too the rays of light coming out of the eye which is effulgent save a person as they emanate from the mind of a Brahmanistha.
atikārunyasudhābhivrstyā: by showering on me the nectar of your supreme compassion. atyantam kārunyam atikārunyam: utmost compassion. tadeva sudhā: that itself is sudhā (nectar). It is called sudhā as it removes all afflictions. sudhā nāma amrtam: sudha means amrtam, nectar. tasyāḥ sudhāyāḥ abhito vrstih yasyām drstyāṁsā atikārunyasudhābhivrștih: That glance by which there is all-round downpour of the nectar of infinite compassion is atikārunyasudhābhivrstih. tayā by it: atikārunyasudhābhivrstyā. It is wellknown that, by the showering of nectar on him, a person becomes free from the ills of old age, death etc. In the Rāmāyaṇa too, we read that the vānaras who were slain in battle were restored to life by Indra showering ampta on them. When that ampta itself is of that nature, the implication is that the glance pouring forth out of the amặta of compassion of a Brahmanistha will bestow measureless freedom from old age and death.
In the next sloka, the sişya submits to the guru his tivramumuksutva, intense longing for liberation impatient of any delay in his redemption.
दुरिसंसारदवाग्नितप्तं दोधूयमानं दुरदृष्ट वातैः।
भीतं प्रपन्नं परिपाहि मृत्योः शरण्यमन्यं यदहं न जाने ॥३८॥ durvārasamsāradavāgnitaptam
dodhūyamānam duradsstavātaih bhītam prapannam paripāhi mệtyoḥ
śaraṇyamanyam yadaham na jāne 11
I am scorched by the inextinguishable forest-fire of samsāra. I am deeply afflicted (shaken) by the winds of misfortune. I am overcome by intense fear. I fall at your feet. Save me from death. I have none else in whom I can seek refuge.