vikārāvarti ca tathāhi sthitimaha: "And not abiding in effected things because (the Upanisad) has stated (B.S.)."29
pado'sya viśvā bhūtāni tripadasyämṛtam divi (Puruşa Sūkta): "A quarter of it are all the creatures; three quarters of it is the divine part in the sky."
jyāyān pṛthivyāḥ jyāyānantarikṣāt jyāyānebhyo lokebhyaḥ: "Greater than the earth, greater than the sky; greater than all these worlds."
Thus declare the śrutis, the smṛtis and sūtras.
abhārupam: not of the nature of effulgence, i.e., inanimate.
That which everything shines after i.e., that by whose power all this shines. Vide the śruti: tameva bhantam anubhāti sarvam (Katha). Everything shines after that alone which shines (by itself). That is the ātman.
It is to be understood that by this declaration of śruti the infinity of Brahman spoken of as satyam, jñānam, anantam is conveyed by the affirmation of the absence of limitations of space.
The expression in śl. 129, yaścetayati buddhyādi is explained: यस्य सन्निधिमात्रेण देहेन्द्रियमनोधियः ।
विषयेषु स्वकीयेषु वर्तन्ते प्रेरिता इव ।। १३१ ॥
yasya sannidhimātreņa dehendriyamanodhiyaḥ | vişayeṣu svakiyeşu vartante prerită iva ||
By whose very presence, the body, the indriyas, the mind and intellect are (act) in their spheres as if impelled thereto that is the atman.
In the Kena Upanisad it is said:
keneşitam pratati preșitam manaḥ kena prāṇaḥ prathamaḥ praiti yuktaḥ keneṣitam vācamimām vadanti cakṣuśśrotram ka u devo yunakti 11 "Induced by whom does the mind function; induced by whom does the breath first function; induced by whom do people utter this speech; which deva induces the eye and ear?"
To which query it is replied: stotrasya śrotram. manaso mano yadvaco ha vācam, sa u prāṇasya prāṇaḥ cakṣuṣaścakşuḥ: "That which is the ear of the ear, the mind of the mind, the speech of the
29 "And it is not a fact that the Supreme resides in the solar orb etc., within the range of effects. He has also another aspect which is eternally free and transcendental to all things"-Sri Sämkara Bhāṣya.