This is clear.
437 देहेन्द्रियादौ कर्तव्ये ममाहंभावजितः ।
औदासीन्येन यस्तिष्ठेत् स जीवन्मुक्त इष्यते ॥४३७ ॥ dehendriyādau kartavye mamāhambhāvavarjitaḥ audāsīnyena yastişthet sa jīvanmukta işyate 11
He is said to be a jīvanmukta who is free from the sense of the 'my' or 'l' in the actions of the body and its organs and remains indifferent to them.
dehendriyadau: the adi, 'etc, is used to include the breath, mind, intellect and the ego-sense.
kartavye: in the discharge of duties'.
mamāhambhāvavarjitah: being free from the sense of 'my' as 'this has to be done by me' or 'this is done by me' and of superimposition (adhyāsa) in body and sense organs which expresses itself as aham manusyaḥ: I am a man; aham paśyāmi: I see; mama cakṣuḥ: my eye, etc.
audāsinyena yah tişthet: he who remains indifferent or unattached due to absence of false identification to be traced to adhyāsa.
438 विज्ञात आत्मनो यस्य ब्रह्मभावः श्रुतर्बलात् ।
भवबन्धविनिर्मुक्तः स जीवन्मुक्त इष्यते ॥४३८॥ vijñāta ātmano yasya brahmabhāvaḥ śruterbalāti bhavabandhavinirmuktah sa jivanmukta işyate it
He is said to be a jivanmukta who has realised the Brahmanhood of his ātman on the authority of śruti and is (thereby) liberated from the bonds of samsāra. śruter balāt: by the force of the Vedānta-texts like tattvamasi.
(svasya) brahmabhāvaḥ: his Brahmatva; being inherently Brahman.
vijñātah: has been realised by the destruction of the primordial ajñāna (mūlājñāna) and hence devoid of all kinds of delusion.
439 Being liberated from the bond of samsāra is further explained clearly.